Physical Geography: Climate and Environmental Sciences

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Physical Geography: Climate and Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.)

Environmental processes and dynamics are driven by the diverse properties of physical systems on global, regional, and local scales. Accelerating climate change affects the underlying processes and thereby landscape dynamics, and moreover socio-ecological systems.

These changes impose fundamental research challenges and, as a consequence, increase the volume of spatial data. At the Institute of Geography in Erlangen, climatic changes and their effects are studied from different research perspectives, with a (non-exclusive) focus on high mountain environments.

Research foci of the Physical Geography branch of the Institute of Geography are climate research, environmental studies, and geoinformatics, each with various sub-fields. Our institute is internationally recognized and involved in many international collaborative projects and has a special focus on high mountain regions (e.g., in the European Scandinavian Mountains, the Alps, the Andes, High-mountain Asia and the Himalayas, East Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean), but also on polar regions and drylands. That apart, we are active in various projects inside Germany and the state of Bavaria. A strong link exists to Cultural Geography via the research field society-environment-interactions.

The institute has excellent research facilities in electronic data processing systems and laboratories which are intensively involved in student training to guarantee a modern, practical, and applied education. In detail, the institute disposes of a soil and sedimentary lab, adendroecological lab, and a stable isotope lab. In climatology, you are trained in various meteorological measurement techniques and climate modelling, and in the field of GIS and remote sensing, you learn advanced methods of special functions, concepts, and implementation of modelling algorithms.

Worum geht es im Studiengang?

The MSc program offers the opportunity to specialize in one major subject area of Physical Geography by giving students the opportunity to take advantage of an individually tailored Master’s program; this will enable a specific qualification in a chosen field of interest. In-depth modules and the possible topics for the Master’s thesis mirror the three research pillars at our institute in Erlangen:

Climate Research:

Research at our institute covers an unusually wide spectrum of climate science. It comprises the “reading” of climate proxy data (e.g., tree rings, soil properties), the access of climate phenomena from space, and the simulation of climate processes with the help of supercomputers. These areas are mirrored in the teaching program, yet the pivotal part of the climate research specialization is the practice of modern, physical climatology: numerical modeling of mechanisms and processes, with a focus on the atmosphere and cryosphere of Earth; the analysis of large climate datasets through state-of-the-art statistics; and direct meteorological measurements form an exciting framework that unifies empirical evidence and the value of computer models.

The courses put these methods in the light of topical issues, for instance, understanding the interplay of climatic subsystems in the challenging environment of high mountains (atmosphere, glaciers, hydrology); practicing seasonal predictions; or sharpening the senses for future climate projections.


The Master’s program offers a well-founded modular methodological education with an emphasis on different remote sensing and GIS techniques. Our classes are closely linked to applications in the research foci in glaciology and climatology as well as in biogeography and spatial ecology. You will learn to process and analyze various Earth observation data types, ranging from optical multi- and hyperspectral data to radar data. The classes will introduce you in hands-on exercises and practical applications to analysis techniques such as radar interferometry and machine learning algorithms. We provide cross-links to numerical modelling and field measurements.

Our course program is tailored to cater to current and future demands and challenges regarding the processing of large data amounts (“big data”). All classes provide the opportunity to acquire versatile programming and scripting skills that enable efficient data processing as well as the customization and development of new algorithms. This combination of geoinformatics modules with thematic knowledge links modern data analysis and acquisition techniques with an in-depth process understanding that is required and demanded for data interpretation in the respective research fields.

Environmental Analysis:

Our institute comprises excellent facilities for acquiring multiple kinds of data on the environment. The generation of environmental data is a key qualification in basic and applied research to study effects of climate change on different components of the physical environment, including soils and sediments, water, and plants or other organisms. In the teaching program, we offer various lab courses in the soil lab, the tree-ring lab, and the stable isotope lab.

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